<![CDATA[Figment Creativity - Blog]]>Wed, 23 Oct 2024 23:13:44 +0100Weebly<![CDATA[A page in the life of a Makar]]>Fri, 31 May 2024 06:39:54 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/a-page-in-the-life-of-a-makar

This month as Stirling Makar has been a particularly interesting one. I've always been busy, but at a certain point, I didn't have to work so hard to push a rock up a hill. Then, suddenly, that rock took on its own gravity and rolled, sometimes faster than I could keep up with! Requests and fun opportunities came - and they keep  on coming...

I'll always be grateful to to the Stirling Makarship for all the challenges and chances to learn that it has brought. But it's fair to say that I was pretty terrified when I got it. Physically shaking, in fact, when I came off the phone. Up to that point, I hadn't shared much of my poetry at all. I had a collection in the works with the wonderful Sheila Wakefield of Red Squirrel Press, but I hadn't submitted much of my poetry to magazines (to be fair subbing work takes a lot of time - and could almost be a full-time job in itself). 

I applied because, for ten years, I'd been active in the writing community in Stirling and had a few ideas about what could be done to help. But it's not easy putting your head above the parapet, and I knew, after the stooshie that happened when the last Makar was appointed (a lovely, quiet gent called Clive Wright), that there would be a fair amount of criticism. I'd also be more in the public eye than before, under scrutiny and under fire. Thank goodness for all the great friends who've supported me along the way! 

The poetry world is an intimate one. A small pool, full of fishes, and, as funding dries up, it's getting smaller. Inevitably, in these situations - those fishes nibble on each others' fins. A few have had a good chomp on mine over the years. 

I've done what I've always done in the face of people who doubt what I might manage to achieve. I planted my feet, put my head down, worked bloody hard, and tried my best to prove them wrong. And I hope I have. The Makarship forced me to raise my game and I'm prouder of my writing than I've ever been. But I'm even more proud of having helped bring more poems by others into the world. 

My term as Makar ends later this year and for a few months, I'll help the next Makar find their feet. If you'd like to help shape what they might do, please fill in the following online survey. It also gives you the chance to let us know what has worked (and not worked) for you over my tenure.


I normally, semi-jokingly - subscribe to the philosophy of 'Ask not what you can do for your Makar, but what your Makar can do for you.' - but in this case, I suppose I'm basically asking people to review what's been a huge part of my life over the last three years. Which is almost as terrifying as having applied in the first place. 

There's a lot more goes on behind the scenes than people realise. While Stirling Council, the fantastic libraries staff, and other organisations have done their best to find funding to support the additional work I do: extra workshops, performances and writing, a sizeable portion of each week goes on what I voluntarily do to support and promote Stirling's writing communities. Meetings, emails, events, social media and advice. 

There's a lot more I still want to do, and more that I've tried to do and been unable to fit in. Things I've tried to chivvy up funding for that haven't yet been successful. Sadly, there are only so many hours in the day and there's only so much one person can do. Despite that, I've been so chuffed to have had the chance to meet, write and perform with lots of wonderful folk. Being Stirling Makar has fairly broadened my horizons - and been a huge amount of fun! 

In amongst all the commissions that have inspired me beyond my comfort zones, performances (including the chance to represent Stirling poetry at the Scottish Parliament!), and the singular moments, like having a poem projected up onto the Wallace Monument, there's been one thread that has woven through it all and pulled me ever-onwards. The importance of helping new and struggling writers. Of building a community of writers that support each other. I do it because I've been there too. I still feel like I'm a beginner, to be honest. Even a couple of decades in, the blank page still intimidates. I know that vulnerability of opening yourself out to others, sharing something you've felt strongly enough, moved enough, to write about. I know how important it is to have someone there to support you on those first new steps. If I've helped you in some small way, please take the time, a few minutes, to fill out the survey  

If you're thinking of applying for to be the next Stirling Makar, go for it!  It's truly been the most amazing experience. 
<![CDATA[The One Constant in Life:]]>Sun, 19 May 2024 11:57:36 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/the-one-constant-in-life"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts
One of the joys - and challenges of working freelance is that you never know what's going to happen next!

Inevitably, there are times of spate and times of drought. That's life. Luckily, as a writer, when things quieten down, that gives you the time to collect yourself, let your spinning compass calm a little, and point again to True North. Towards writing.

It's been a busy few weeks here, between the Stirling 900yrs launch, performances, and a few deadlines. Now, I love working with people, especially in workshops. But as much as I enjoy being busy, like lots of writers who tend towards introversion, I'm glad when I have a few weeks of relative calm to look forward to. I've been catching up with emails and messages, as well as friends. Gathering my thoughts towards future projects. And preparing myself to let go of the Stirling Makarship. 

It's fair to say that the Stirling Makarship has been the biggest writing project I've ever worked on. And six months ago, I didn't think I'd ever want to say goodbye to it. There have been challenges, but I love a good challenge. There have been some terrifying aspects to it too: commissions and telly and stage, oh my! But overall, it's been tremendous fun. I've learned a huge amount and been able to meet and help lots of lovely people. But I'm ready now to set off on other adventures. And my compass, so often restless, is settling. I hope you'll join me.

- Forth Friday - 24th May (none then until August)
- Writing Workshop - 31st May (free)
- Gartmore House Writing Retreat - 16th June 

So, what's a writer to do after they've finished a big project? Whether been it's a novel, a poetry collection or a role such as being a Makar, finishing something can be exciting - but it can also be easy to feel rudderless afterwards. A great friend counselled me to make sure I have a big project to bounce off into. That's never going to be a problem, where I'm concerned. There are so many  possibilities out there! The main difficulty is choosing. In general, when it comes to choosing where I go next, I mostly follow my nose.

I'll have a new poetry pamphlet out in the Autumn, so I'll be touring around with it, reading and hopefully doing a few workshops...
(let me know if you'd like your writing group to be one of those I come to)  

But I also have a novel that's been knocking on my door. So in my quieter moments, I'll be working away on that. As well as staying open to whatever poems or ideas might arise. There's always that tension between sticking to the path of one project, and chasing the glimmer of something shiny in the bordering undergrowth.  

Both are fulfilling, in different ways, and so there's a balance to be struck between discipline and spontaneity. This is what I give advice on in
Wellspring and Magpie Mind, respectively (available here)

The following quotes have been helping me reflect on this. I hope they help you too:

-  "Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most." - Abraham Lincoln
-  "One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline – and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what
     to do with luck." - Carl Zuckmeyer
-  "Though discipline, comes freedom" - Aristotle

My favourite, perhaps, is this one:

"Discipline is built by consistently performing small acts of courage." - Robin Sharma

Every time a writer turns up to the desk, faces the blank page, is an act of courage. Go now, fellow writers, be brave. 

Happy writing,
<![CDATA[A page in the life of a writer -  getting on top of things before things get on top of you]]>Sun, 23 Jul 2023 12:57:59 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/a-page-in-the-life-of-a-writer-getting-on-top-of-things-before-things-get-on-top-of-you“Life is too complicated not to be orderly.”
- Martha Stewart 
Aye, okay then, Martha! 

It's just not always that easy. Life is definitely complicated, and we human beings have an uncanny knack for making it even more complicated than it needs to be. 

July and August are strange limbo months for many of us and it can be a struggle to stay on top of things, especially if you have holidays and children to juggle, as well as work.  Time just runs away from you.

I've a couple of hours to myself today that I'm going to use to try and get on top of a few things, because frankly, I've not been able to find the time to write and I'd love to!  So below are some reflections on the kinds of things I find help me feel organised and on top of things (which, admittedly, is far too rare a thing!)

Bur first: events around Stirling and online...


Tonight! 7.30 (free)
Federation of Writers: Fb Live - editing poetry 

I'm thoroughly looking forward to chatting tonight with this gregarious pair: Morag Anderson and Mark Turner about editing poetry. I always find it - fascinating (and enlightening) - to compare processes. Mark and Morag are not only wonderful folk that I'm incredibly fond of, I'm also a huge admirer of their work and artistic integrity. So this is going to be a fun one.


Poetry workshop: 27th July: (a steal at £5) 
Buy tickets for Federation of Writers (Scotland) (tickettailor.com)
- a fun and relaxed session on how to spark ideas for your poetry. Inspire, surprise and invigorate your writing practice. This is the first in a series of three workshops. You'll leave the workshop with at least one poem to take with you onto the next stages. 


Donald S Murray - in conversation with - Friday 4th August, 7pm

I had a Zoom chat with Donald just this week about his writing and it was so enjoyable, I honestly can't wait to talk with him again. He's such a lovely, generous chap with a wealth of wisdom and experience to draw on - which I'll be taking full advantage of on the audience's behalf, in order to find out more about his life as a writer, and to gently grill for writing tips. This will be a very open and relaxed conversation with myself and the audience. I'm reading his books just now in preparation and they're stunningly good. 

This will be the kind of treat you can sit back and enjoy. It's just a shame the Book Nook doesn't have a fireplace and a set of wingback chairs.  

Donald S. Murray Event Tickets (thebooknookstirling.co.uk)


Advance Notice: 26th August Forth Fridays Open Mic - Book Nook
(£3 ticket price, refreshments provided)

Headlining, Billy Letford with his exciting new book

Writing Retreat - Mindful Writing and Journaling
Sunday 11th September - Friday 15th September

Perfect for those with no experience of writing or meditation, as well as those who wish to enrich existing projects and practices with greater depth, insight and perspective.
Having studied Buddhism for over ten years, and having tutored writers of all ages and experiences for nearly twenty, our tutor Laura specialises in running warm, welcoming and supportive retreats.

Throughout your time here, you’ll engage with sources of inspiration across a broad spectrum! We’ll use mindful exercises and journaling to encourage your creativity, boost your imagination and nurture your wellbeing.    

This break is suitable for writers who enjoy working on poetry, novels, stories and/or non-fiction (including memoir). Cultivating a mindful awareness of the world and your reactions to it brings greater sensitivity, compassion and intimacy to the writing process  - and to life! Come along and learn a wealth of gently transformative, artistic and fun journaling strategies to use at home.

Laura draws on an abundance of knowledge and experience in order to support writers on their individual journeys. Writers with specific projects in mind may, by all means, contact Laura before they arrive to request sessions on specific aspects of writing, related to novel writing, poetry and memoir (eg. character, structure, description). You'll gain a greater understanding of how to overcome blocks, so often caused by fear, perfectionism or self-criticism. You’ll leave Gartmore House feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, because you’ll have written exciting new work and gained more confidence than you ever thought possible. 

Book by contacting the wonderful Gartmore House team here: 
01877 382991 
Gartmore House, Stirling | Art, Craft & Activity Holidays in Scotland

“For every  minute spent organising, an hour is earned.”
- Benjamin Franklin 

Okay - now that I've sorted out my events calendar, I feel a bit more prepared for the next few weeks.  Taking a little time, as I just have, just helps with the stress levels and prevents any guilt about having let something slip through the cracks.

Speaking of missing things: responding to emails and messages can be surprisingly tricky, especially the ones that require a bit of extra thought or coordination before you reply. If you're anything like me, you read them, promise yourself to respond when you have more headspace, then sometimes forget. So I'm trying to leave them marked "unread" - so that they're still there waiting for me to check off. 

“A good system shortens the road to the goal.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Know yourself. Use your own rhythms - I talk about this often when it comes to setting up a regular writing practice. But it also works for organisation. When I'm on the ball, I use a Sunday to set out my various to-do lists for the week ahead - 4 columns, colour coded for priority, dated with deadlines.

Use your own strengths and weaknesses to your advantage: I work better in the mornings than the evenings, so I try to bag an early night so I can get up before the rest of the house. I front-load my days as much as possible: hydrate, exercise (ha! - maybe not so much, but when I do, I feel so much better for it), and a bit of Wellspring writing.

I also know I work better with a good allowance for flexibility, so I don't ringfence my time too much. I do - however, when I'm doing well - try to prioritise my writing time. I have to, otherwise everything else encroaches and it gets left to the bottom of the pile. It might feel completely contrary paradoxical to schedule in time to play, but sometimes, it's necessary to escape the busy tick-tick-tick of the to-do lists. Come back refreshed. 

Speaking of... I'm away to find a peaceful picnic bench somewhere. Off I go to spend some quality time with my favourite notebook and pens. 

Happy writing all,
<![CDATA[finding time and space vs making time and space]]>Mon, 08 May 2023 13:28:50 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/finding-time-and-space-vs-making-time-and-spaceSolitude is creativity's best friend, and solitude is refreshment for our souls.
- Naomi Judd 
Below you'll find an exclusive offer I've arranged with Gartmore House for writers. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all.

For now though, let's think about how to establish writing time and space for yourself. 

find and make those hidden pockets of time

eg. when travelling on the train, or turn up early to appointments or meetings

decrease distractions

put your mobile phone away, find a place where you won't be disturbed, ring-fence that time and let everyone in the house know that's a time when you are NOT to be disturbed - and be firm in maintaining that boundary


I love a "when and then chain" to help embed your writing into your routines. Know your own rhythms. If you're a night owl, place it into your chain of bedtime routines. If you're a morning person, write as soon as you wake up, maybe in bed or get up a little earlier and write before the day gets busy, setting it before anything else begins. 

decrease the friction/ get a jump on it

Make it as smooth and easy as possible for yourself to write. Give yourself no reasons to excuse yourself from writing.

  • Prepare your surface: if you write first thing in the morning with your cup of tea, set up your notepad or computer next to the kettle and a prompt ready to go.
  • If you find it intimidating or scary to sit down to the page then sneak up on it - tell yourself it's just for a few minutes, or it's just a couple of hundred words. Then, if you want to do more, then you can keep going. Every tiny word is another step on your writing journey.
  • If you find the blank page (or new chapter or even a new sentence) intimidating then leave your last sentence of the day unfinished then pick up it up again the next day.

want it

when you're struggling with motivation, focus on the positives: remind yourself how you feel when you experience flow, when you solve a plotting tangle or an exciting idea appears from out of nowhere!

There's nothing else like it. 

Happy writing all, and read on for an exclusive offer...

Exclusive Offer

Novel and memoir writing

  • starting 25th June (overnight stays, 26th June for day retreats)
  • starting 11th September (overnight stays, 12th Sep for day retreats)

Bring a project that’s already in progress, or come ready to begin afresh. Topics we will cover include (but are not limited to) idea generation, process,  character, conflict, narration, editing and routes to publication. You’ll overcome procrastination and writing blocks and head home having embarked on a new chapter in your writing life: with a clarified vision of your novel or memoir and a confident route forward.
If you can stretch to it, I’d of course advise you to invest in the full residential experience: it’s a whole week to yourself with all your needs met. Liberated from your usual day-to-day life, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in your stories and kickstart the progress you’ve been craving. Bliss!

But you’re also warmly welcome to come each day without staying overnight. I’ve arranged with Gartmore House to offer day-retreat packages:
  • Monday to Thursday
  • 10am – 5pm
  • morning masterclasses,
  • a one-to-one mentoring session,
  • lunch
  • writing time in beautiful surroundings
  • £400


all the above plus
  • breakfast
  • dinner
  • evening activities
    • £650

Book by contacting the wonderful Gartmore House team here: 
About Gartmore

Gartmore is a special place, and not just because of its gorgeous location. Its pub, the Black Bull, is owned and run by the local community. Gartmore House is a not-for-profit charitable trust. All of their profits are channelled back into the upkeep, maintenance, and renovation of the house. The director, Peter Sunderland is incredibly passionate about the House's history and has been instrumental in establishing the community-run Gartmore Shop and the Black Bull; safe-guarding them for the village. Community spirit is certainly alive and well in Gartmore. I can tell you from personal experience that the warm atmosphere at Gartmore House reflects this. It's truly inspiring.

About Gartmore

Gartmore is a special place, and not just because of its gorgeous location. Its pub, the Black Bull, is owned and run by the local community. Gartmore House is a not-for-profit charitable trust. All of their profits are channelled back into the upkeep, maintenance, and renovation of the house. The director, Peter Sunderland is incredibly passionate about the House's history and has been instrumental in establishing the community-run Gartmore Shop and the Black Bull; safe-guarding them for the village. Community spirit is certainly alive and well in Gartmore. I can tell you from personal experience that the warm atmosphere at Gartmore House reflects this. It's truly inspiring.
<![CDATA[Life of a Writer: why you can't beat a retreat]]>Sun, 16 Apr 2023 14:45:29 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/life-of-a-writer-why-you-cant-beat-a-retreatI’ve recently discussed, with friends, some tutors who have provided less-than-ideal experiences and have felt incredibly disappointed. People invest time, money – and hope – when they book onto a retreat or workshop.  I’ve been there too and experienced some out-and-out rude and hurtful tutors too. It’s awful that they don’t realise or respect the trust put in them. And a travesty that writers, at their most vulnerable when revealing their work, suffer as a result.

So - here’s my take on what to look for in writing mentors, workshops, and retreats.

Often people will embark on a retreat with an admired author and hope that some magic will rub off: you’ll soak up their wisdom and something will click and your words will finally flow free and effortless into your future as a celebrated writer.

Ha. It doesn’t work like that.

If a course promises you this, run fast, run far! No matter how great this writer is, no matter how much their advice clicks for you – to achieve your writing dreams, you’ll still have to put work and time into your own writing, both on the course and when you return home.

Writing isn’t always easy but be reassured, it’s in tackling a challenge that we find the greatest sense of achievement.
The writer/tutor
Now, admittedly, I’m biased – I’ve no Nobel Prizes or Man Booker nominations to my name. But I’ve a lifetime of writing, twenty years of teaching, over ten years of mentoring writers, and Masters degrees in education and creative writing under my belt. As an eternal student, I’m also a writing workshop addict (both leading and taking part). So as well as pride and respect for the profession of teaching, I’ve got a fair bit of experience to draw on. And what that experience has told me is that writing and tutoring are two very different skills, sometimes at odds with one another.

Generally, great writers are great writers because they are supremely focused on their own writing. Often in one specific genre. That’s a good thing.

For a writer. It doesn’t always make for a good tutor.

Five days of being “on” requires dedication and passion – for helping others as well as for writing. It takes a lot of nurturing energy that many writers would rather put into their own work.
Who and what to look for
Someone who’ll consider your needs and care enough to respond and adapt, a tutor who can anticipate and balance up the desires for rigor and success with the very real need to relax (creativity needs all of these). You’ll have others on the retreat at the same time and it takes great skill to facilitate and allow space for the many voices in the room.

I’d also hope for a tutor who is knowledgeable but unpretentious, as well as supportive to your interests, whether that’s Literature with a capital “L” or romantic fan-fiction (hey, fan-fiction worked out quite spectacularly for E.L James, whatever your opinions of the standard of writing in 50 Shades). I chat with groups and individuals about my experience of traditional vs indy publishing and the wide range of novel genres I have written, in varying stages of completion. Of course, as Stirling Makar, I support poets too.

To help you decide on a tutor and retreat, research a range of word-of-mouth experiences. Realistically, not every tutor will suit every person. Find out from those similar to yourself whose opinions you respect. You could also ask about contacting the tutor before you book.
Why consider a retreat?
Writing in your own dedicated space at home, or in a coffee shop or library can be brilliant. But your writing time can still be easily disturbed by the usual hustle and bustle. Nothing refreshes your creative energies like a writing retreat. You can set one up on your own for yourself or with friends, or you can book one in an organisation.

I’ve just returned from Gartmore House. It’s a uniquely beautiful place and perfect for writers. Just imagine – days with all your needs catered for. The food is hot and hearty, the people warm and friendly. Comfortable beds, no distractions and inspiring views.  You have your own space, professional advice and peer support.

Writing retreats hold so much potential when handled well. You’ll get a great rest, but you also produce new writing, meet new friends (even long-term writing allies), and receive professional advice and feedback.

You might overcome the barriers that have been preventing you from starting or finishing a novel, or you might simply have a little fun with the writing exercises provided. When you find the right place and the right person, you’ll pack up on your last day, refreshed and ready to set off fearlessly for new horizons.

I truly-madly-deeply love helping writers. Soothing the emotional vulnerability that so many of us struggle with. Addressing, with sensitivity, fun and humour, the barriers that cause procrastination. Being there at the genesis of a new writer, story or poem. It’s incredibly rewarding to have helped light a writer up again with confidence and enthusiasm!

I’m grateful to have had the chance to support so many writers over the last twelve years. Thank you for placing your trust in me.
Happy writing!

P.S. If you’ve attended my workshops or retreats in the past, please do pop a review on Facebook here: Laura Fyfe - a Page in the Life of a Writer (facebook.com) or on this Google form:


It’s important to me to do my job as well as possible and feedback is essential in helping me do this. It also helps other writers see whether what I offer might suit them or not. 
P.P.S. I’m also lucky to be invited by writing groups to lead the odd workshop (contact me for details or see the Scottish Book Trust to book a partially funded workshop).

P.P.P.S. I also thoroughly enjoy helping writers one-to-one. Contact me to book a session or series of mentoring sessions.

P.P.P.P.S. Here's a great online article with writing retreat advice:

<![CDATA[Life of a Writer: Performance]]>Tue, 17 Jan 2023 19:06:00 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/life-of-a-writer-performance“Lots and lots of things scare me but you just get on with it. Fright can transform into petrol, you just have to use it to your advantage.”
- Dame Judy Dench

Happy New Year everyone!  That's us over half-way through January now and we've made it past Blue Monday - well done!  I hope 2023's treating you kindly so far.

Before I bat about a few thoughts on performing your work, a wee reminder of the event I'll be at with the rest of Scotland's City Makars on Thursday evening. I know a few of you had tickets back before the event was postponed.  I look forward to hopefully seeing you in Edinburgh at the Scottish Poetry library this week!  If you're not able to go, then please do let the SPL know so they can open up your space to someone else who might like to come along. It was fully booked very quickly last year!  (to book your place, here's the link: Scottish Poetry Library)

Some of you will know that I'm also performing this weekend at the Tolbooth in Stirling (free, no booking required: 1.30 till 2 or 2.30 till 3).  I'm planning up something unconventional as a Robert Burns celebration. And when you do something unusual, it takes time to prepare. I've not done a session on Burns for a long time - so I'm a little nervous! 

Performing as a troupe takes a good bit of coordination as well. And this is the first time the Makars have performed together at the Scottish Poetry Library - and to a big crowd! So again - I'm nervous!

So it's a busy and exciting week.  

(read on below for tips and reflections)
Here's a few things this writer is considering when it comes to performance:

A lot of writers, especially when starting out, feel a  little (or a lot of) anxiety with the prospect of standing in front of an audience. We're often introverts by nature and enjoy hiding behind the page. But increasingly, publishers expect novelists to read at events such as Book Festivals, and poets, even page poets, perform their work at launches.

Spoken word nights are a great opportunity to meet other writers, be inspired, as well as learn from how others do it. So whether you want to or not, performing, whether you're a professional or aspiring writer, is worth learning about. It's worth attending a few.

Some absolutely brilliant page poets have been know to kill their poems in performance. Completely stop them dead. Carol Ann Duffy comes to mind. I once made the mistake of showing a video of her performing one of her own poems to a class - turned 30 teenagers off to her poetry within seconds. Whereas I was lucky enough to see Mike Garry, a poet from Manchester, perform a few years ago. His poetry, which didn't stun me from the page, was absolutely transformed by his persona and energy. Again - go along to some writing events and consider what kind of style would suit you and your writing.  Then build up the courage to have a go yourself!

  • When it comes to dealing with nerves, my advice is to regard them as a good thing. The flip side of excitement.
  • You're nervous because you care. You want this to be as good as possible. So prepare as well as possible. That'll take the edge off.
  • Ground yourself. Take a deep breath. Stretch your feet so you feel the ground under you.
  • Take advantage of your comfort zones/strengths. With 20 years of teaching under my belt, what I do is focus on the audience and what they need. This takes my focus away from my own feelings of awkwardness, embarrassment or anxiety and puts any excess excitement/nerves into a helpful position.
  • And remember: it's all about the words - it's not about you - do your best to represent the story/poem as best you can, do it justice.
 All the very best with it!  Happy writing,
<![CDATA[Life of a Writer: Sharing]]>Wed, 28 Dec 2022 10:20:06 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/life-of-a-writer-sharing“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”
― Maya Angelou
Firstly, I hope you’re all thoroughly enjoying the festivities and have had the chance to enjoy a little peace and quiet away from our usual busy lives.

I love curling up and hibernating with a good book or ten and this is the perfect time.

This lull between Christmas and New year is also brilliant for collecting our thoughts on the year ahead. 

During 2022, I’ve made a dedicated effort to sending more poetry out there. And the boost I received when I achieved success (like being shortlisted for the Bridport Prize), was well worth the time it took!

This coming year, I’m going to aim for 100 rejections. It’s an idea I picked up from somewhere on social media years back – which helps to reframe your attitude towards sending out work. Knock-backs can be painful, but this challenge helps desensitise you to rejection. If a piece isn’t accepted into a literary magazine or doesn’t place in a competition – it just means you’re free to send it elsewhere! It’ll find a home someday.
So often, when people chat with me during a one to one, they tell me that they don’t think they’ll have an audience. That nobody will be interested in their work. They dismiss the value of their own voice and experiences and creativity!

Deciding to share your work with the world is helpful as a writer because it helps you dismiss these daft notions. Every writer struggles with insecurity, but if we all were completely hobbled by it all the time, imagine how many wonderful poems and novels and plays and films would never have come into reality!

So get your writing out there. Build your confidence, build a reputation for yourself, build a readership, and show future publishers that you mean business. 

Just do it because it’d be a shame not to. Sending a little more beauty out into the world, a little more humanity, is never a bad thing.

See below for an insider's view and some tips: 
The Scottish Writers’ Centre Chapbook: Mountain & Glen

It’s helpful to know what a publication’s editors are looking for – and I just happen to be one of the editors of this gorgeous wee labour of love! So here’s an exclusive sneaky peak behind the scenes.

And think fast, because the deadline’s the 31st December!
Size matters

Because chapbooks are very small, only send in your littlest pieces. Up to 300 words of prose or 25 lines of poetry – but think like an editor/typesetter. If you have a lot of short paragraphs or stanzas requiring a lot of white space in your 300 words/20 lines, then your piece may still not fit. For this chapbook, send in only very little pieces.


When a magazine or competition has a theme, there will often be many subs on the same kind of thing. It goes without saying that quality of writing is the top priority for any editor, but beyond that, consider sending in something that sparks curiosity and interest. Unusual layout. Prosetry (prose/poetry). An original take on the brief.

Pay Attention

It always needs to be said. Follow the submission guidelines closely. Otherwise you’re wasting your time and the editors’. (Even people with plenty of experience have subbed to me before and caused an unnecessary tangle of emails afterwards to get the required info such as the Bio and contact details and so on).

See below for the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES - and good luck! 

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage
to lose sight of the shore.”
- William Faulkner

  • The theme for this edition is Mountain and Glen.
  • Eligibility: writers living in Scotland, or writers writing about Scotland. Whether professional, part-time or just starting out – we’d love to hear from you.
  • Maximum word count: 25 lines for poetry and 300 words for flash fiction.
  • Please send all submissions to: submissions@scottishwriterscentre.co.uk
  • Writers who are successful will receive a copy of the chapbook and a fee of £10.
  • Everyone and anyone may submit one piece. Members of the Scottish Writers’ Centre may submit up to three pieces per chapbook.
  • Copyright will remain with the writer.
  • We will only accept work that has not been previously published.
  • Submissions failing to follow the guidelines will be discounted.
  • Entries should be submitted as one double-spaced Word attachment in Times New Roman, 12pt, (if submitting more than one entry, please include all in the same attachment).
  • Please include a title sheet on the first page with your name, word or line count, title (s), a 50-word bio and your preferred contact details.
  • We regret that we are unable to provide feedback.
  • Submission emails should be titled ‘ Poetry submission + YOUR NAME, ‘Prose submission + YOUR NAME’.
<![CDATA[Life of a Writer: Success]]>Mon, 07 Nov 2022 06:57:52 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/life-of-a-writer-successthe  destination, the process and the people...
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too..."
- Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

In Magpie Mind, I advise, not only about the fear of failure (which so often causes procrastination), but also about the fear of success.

This might seem strange at first, but read on.

Fear of success is the fear of change. When things start to go well with your aspirations, things in your life will naturally change. Once you realise what you’re capable of, you want to hold yourself, at the very least, to that standard. New opportunities come along - which means rearranging your priorities. Rearranging your life. Rearranging your relationships too...

Naturally, with all the changes happening in your outlook, there's a reshuffle in your circle of people. It’s difficult at first, and often sad when this happens, but you’ll find new friends whose interests and attitudes align more with your own.

Unfortunately, finding success on a new path often provokes difficult emotions in others, even those close to you. Especially if you’re walking a path they’d secretly like to take themselves. They’ll feel jealous of your drive to improve your writing and performance and resent any recognition you receive when your efforts pay off. They might accuse you of being competitive – when all that’s happened is that by doing well, your success has triggered this feeling in them.

My advice...

... don’t compete with anyone other than your past self. Comparing yourself to others simply misaligns your focus. If all you do is watch how others are walking, you’ll just end up tripping over your own feet. If others misunderstand your ambition to better your skills and misinterpret this you as wanting to be better than others, then that’s their own fears and insecurities talking.

Wish them well, distance yourself if necessary. Let them go. Open yourself to new possibilities – and to those who’ll be happy for you when you succeed. To those you can support who will support you too. It becomes a whole positive spiral.

Besides, it feels smashing to be happy for others’ success. On a psychological level, undermining others’ success undermines your own attitude towards success – and your chances of achieving it. Rather than begrudge others when they do well, I suggest you congratulate them wholeheartedly. Rather than think – ‘I should have got that, not them!’ reframe your thinking to consider why they did so well. Pause, reflect and set off again on your own way.  

Remember to feel proud of yourself. It takes courage to head out past your comfort zone! Change is inevitable. The challenges presented by change? They’re worth it to journey the path that you’ve always wanted to. This writing thing is exhilarating! That feeling when you help something come into light that hadn't existed before, something beautiful and surprising and new …  ooft!

I’m looking forward to helping a group of people with that tomorrow night (Tuesday). I’m planning up the first session on writing for wellbeing and I’m loving it because the joy of writing isn’t just about what you produce, it’s also about the benefits you feel in the process of writing.

There’s a spot left for you if you’d like to join us: https://figmentcreativity.com/workshops.html

Writing is fun, it’s magical and mysterious and joyful. But as with any craft, it’s not always easy. If it were, you wouldn’t be learning anything worth learning. So surround yourself with people who'll support you.

There are loads of cracking folk around. I’m grateful for every single one of you.

Happy writing everyone!

<![CDATA[Making a Makar]]>Sat, 22 May 2021 12:50:34 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/making-a-makarEvery so often, in a writer's life, paths open up that you'd never planned to venture on, but they're too tempting, too exciting, to ignore. Since I gave up my plans of becoming a pharmacist in my teens (aye, really), and decided to study literature, I've always followed my nose, my passions and it's stood me in good stead.

It's advice I'd urge you to follow, when you can, particularly where your creativity is concerned.

Poetry has been one of those things that increasingly urges me on to new perspectives.  And I hope it'll open up new paths for people I work with soon as well. So here's a screed of news and opportunities, particularly for those of you who live and work in and around central Scotland.


Some of you may already be aware that Stirling has a new Makar, and it's little old me!  A Makar is the Scottish equivalent of a poet laureate. What a Makar does is make things, poetry specifically. As well as writing poetry, my role is about promoting and supporting Stirling's poetry and poets. Find out more about my ... (pause for dramatic effect) ... vision here: https://stirling.gov.uk/makar


While things have been quiet on the Figment email front, I've been busy in the background, setting up the foundations for building the poetry scene in Stirling over the next three years. As well as other bits and bobs, I've opened up the Poem of the Month to submissions (a rare paid poetry publishing opportunity!) and have set up a poetry mentoring group.

If you're gutted to have missed the calls for these, and would like to hear about them in the future, drop a note to makar@stirling.gov.uk and I'll pop you on my mailing list.

Tell me what you think, want and need

Most importantly, I'd love to hear what YOU want on Stirling's poetry scene!  So here's your chance to have your say: 


If you've had (or plan to have) any kind of involvement at all with writing or poetry in Stirling, please do fill it out and let me know what you think. It only takes a couple of minutes and all feedback will be read and carefully considered. There'll be an open online Meet the Makar evening too on the 23rd June, at which I'll update everyone and listen to more ideas and suggestions.  I can't wait to help Stirling's poetry scene grow into the future with your contributions.

Miss nothing

To keep up to date with what's happening in the future, pop a note to makar@stirling.gov.uk and I'll send you out emails every now and then about Stirling poetry events and news.

And feel free to have a peek at this website. https://stirling.gov.uk/makar

Making a Makar

Oh! and here's the details of a free (but ticketed) event as part of Stirling's Off the Page Festival  in which a great pal of mine and I will be chatting about poetry and Makarship this coming Thursday night. If you're passionate about poetry, if you're feeling curious about what this Makar fuss is all about, if you're free and fancy joining us, it'd be lovely to see you there!

<![CDATA[Ready...  Steady...]]>Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:53:31 GMThttps://figmentcreativity.com/blog/ready-steady

Want to write a novel?

Do you want to write a novel quickly?

How about in one month?

That's just what NaNoWriMo was set up to help writers do. National Novel Writing Month is an annual event in which participants write 50,000 words in November. 

Here are a few tips from my experience:
  1. Make room. Clear as much off your to-do list before November as you can. Complete as much work as you can in advance that needs to be done by December.  Batch-cook so you can go into your freezer for easy, healthy meals. 
  2. Prepare a writing space. Make it fun and comfortable and private, away from distractions or interruptions. Make sure family or friends know you'll be unavailable during your writing time each day.
  3. Anticipate any potential stumbling blocks. And set up an if-then chain in your mind - or even write a contract to yourself. A plan. For example:  "If I'm tired one morning... I'll turn up to my desk anyway and do 50 words. If I can, then I can always write more."
  4. This is a marathon. Look after yourself. Eat healthy, sleep plenty, and exercise regularly (even just a little walk in the fresh air every day can make a big difference).
  5. Get yourself a support network. Writing friends can support you when you're struggling. Friendly competition and encouragement, and a bit of banter, can help make the whole thing a lot more fun! I'll be setting up a Figment NaNoWriMo group. If you'd like to join, drop me a message or an email. There may even be a virtual writing pub-crawl or two involved...
  6. Plan your idea out so you know where to start. Use books like "Save the Cat!" to help. Or do a brief outline using the Hero's Journey structure - there's a blog about this below or you can look it up online, there are loads of tips. But even if you don't know exactly what you want to write yet, or where it might end, don't worry. Stories often change as we write them. As long as you have a character and a dilemma or challenge they have to face, then you have a beginning. An opening sentence can help too.
  7. Set up a routine. When do you normally focus best? Make that your time to write. Try to set it at the same time each day. And give yourself a day or two off. 
  8. Break it down. 50,000 words is an average of 1,667 words each day. If you have a couple of days off a week, that's 2000 words a day. There might be days when the unexpected comes up, so maybe try for an average of 2,500 or 3000 words a day to give you a bit of a cushion.
  9. If that seems like a lot, don't worry. Join in the Figment NaNo group or join my "Just Write" sessions with two-hour sets of writing sprints to help keep you focused. (e-mail laura@figmentcreativity.com or  sign up here to join our list of writers). 
  10. Be kind to yourself! Plan in plenty of treats and rewards for yourself for each milestone. For your first 1000 words, right up to your 50,000th word! (Massages are a great idea because they'll help with any writing-related aches and pains in your shoulders and back). 

Sign up to NaNoWriMo here: https://nanowrimo.org/

Good luck folks!

More tips to come next week...
