KickStart your Writing Dreams
- I’ve found it great because it’s forced me to push beyond my usual squeamishness about promoting Figment and my books. Remember, if you’re putting your project up there for people to fund, it’s because you feel it’s worth funding. Hold on to that when you’re feeling nervous!
- For me, the KickStarter has worked well as a pre-order system. If you put an audiobook on Audible, if you keep it exclusive to Audible, then you receive a much higher percentage as incentive. So this was a way to offer the Wellspring and Magpie Mind audiobooks to friends an early bird discount without the Audible exclusivity. Plus the bonus is that this support is funding the professional production.
- Crowdfunding your writing project provides a great deal of focus. With a deadline and a target, you become much more proactive. It forces you to consider the value of your work and helps you realise just how much you have to offer people.
- Running a crowdfunding campaign stretches your marketing skills, helps you be more creative about marketing your work and you learn very clearly what people are interested in, who your engaged audience are, who values what you do, who’ll work with you, and who’ll reciprocate a favour. So you learn where to best put your energies.
- You also find that you engage with more people: people you’ve not spoken with for some time, and new contact, because the more you go on social media to highlight your project, the higher your profile is – I’ve since had opportunities offered by people simply because they heard of me or were reminded of me while I was pushing the crowdfunder. I’m also working with more writing groups around Scotland now who’d like me to come do workshops on procrastination and creativity with them.
- Offer special one-off opportunities. I’m offering people the chance to come and sit in while I record the audiobooks, plus the chance to come and read a section of the audiobook and have their voice heard around the world!
- Work with others to offer rewards. The Stirling Photography festival worked with local artists, national photographers, Creative Stirling and the Art Collection to provide some brilliant rewards for funders.
Have a look at mine to see some examples of rewards. I add new opportunities on there practically every other day, so stay tuned! I’m always open to feedback, so please do feel free to let me know your thoughts and suggestions.
More tips
- Use your contacts. It helped that I already know a lot of people. People I’ve done favours for in the past, people I’ve helped, supported, promoted and provided opportunities for.
- Tell people about it before hand – I didn’t and I regret that!
- Timelines: a six-week campaign is ideal. Finish it at month-end.
- Use the time-limits to offer rewards for only a couple of days. This helps generate excitement about limited editions or special offerings – such as the little bespoke thank you boxes of inspiration in the picture above, every one with different props to inspire Wellspring (6-minute) writing.
- Be prepared for the time it will take – promote every day. It will also take time and energy to think up new ideas for each day so that it doesn’t become samey and spammy. Remember the work doesn’t end when the crowd-funder ends – you then have to fulfill the rewards and keep in touch with the new contacts you’ve made.
- People like to see their name in lights: offer to put their name in the back or the front of the book (or in the list of thanks at the end of the audiobook)
Here are some writing and publishing projects you might like to use a KickStarter to help you fund:
- Book/pamphlet/magazine production (design, illustration, type-setting, editing, printing)
- Audiobook recording
- Fees for a professional tutor/mentor
- Anthology production
- Writing software
- Calendars
Think about it - and if you do go for it, have fun! You've no idea the doors it might open for you.
Happy writing!
and to find more support for your writing, find out more here: