don't you love these clean, crisp autumn mornings. For me, with that fresh air comes a fresh motivation to write.
It’s been a good wee while now since I posted the mini-workshops online over lockdown (available here). And I’m wondering: how are you all doing?
I’ve seen so many writers and artists comment over the last six months about how flat they feel creatively. There are probably myriad different reasons for this.
Personally, I’ve struggled, as I so often do, to prioritise the time to write. It feels like an indulgence when I have so many other obligations to fulfil! But, as I so often tell my writing friends, writing isn’t an indulgence. It’s so very important to have that creative outlet. That time to yourself.
Something else I think many of us have struggled with was isolation. Connection with others is where we find a great deal of our inspiration.
I’ve missed leading writing workshops on a regular basis. More than I realised. It’s time to get up and moving again. Joining a workshop each week is a great motivator to write because, along with writing suggestions and tips and prompts, there’s also accountability. Deadlines and positive peer pressure can motivate even the most hardened of procrastinators. But in a really great writing group, you’ll also find camaraderie, support and guidance.
So, never one to do anything by halves, as of next week, for eight weeks I’ll be running TWO workshops! Tuesday mornings (10-11.30) and Wednesday evenings (7-8.30) These’ll be held over Zoom and I’ll keep the numbers small and intimate.
I’m thoroughly looking forward to meeting fellow writers again and leading our discussions about this thing we have an enduring masochistic relationship with.
Writing. Why on earth do we subject ourselves to it?
Because we can’t not. It’s inside us. It drives us. But you don’t have to write alone. Join us for a laugh and a giggle.
Who knows where this next adventure might take you.
To find out more and to book, take a peek here:
Take care everyone, and happy writing.